Purple Cow Club

This is a recruitment drive. 40 plus years ago (it feels like yesterday) my then tiny godchildren stopped me on a walk and pointed into a field and said “look purple cows”. My first, very adult, reaction was going to be “nonsense, there are no such things as purple cows”. However, I loved and trusted my little charges, so knelt down to their level and spent about 5 minutes trying to see these cows. Using an old Irish trick I looked sideways into the field and – eventually – there they were, 5 purple cows. Since I have travelled the world and seen little clusters of purple cows everywhere; there is even a small herd in Hyde Park in London. I am life-time president of the Club that arose from this lesson and the many subsequent experiences.

If you are at a stage in your life in which you know that what you might not see may nevertheless still exist, then you have passed the first stage of your club membership application. Now all you need to do is to spot a purple cow and report it to me and your chances of being accepted into the Purple Cow Club are considerable. No cheating please, and yes, spotting a calf counts.

This picture is only intended to give you an idea of what a purple cow looks like – because everybody visiting this site will be able to see these cows, they cannot be real!